

Been so busy with mobile stuff lately that I've been ignoring the original web based version. Well today I finally got everything cleaned up and have made a new release of fTelnet! There isn't a whole lot of new stuff, since the mobile stuff has been getting all the special attention, but one major improvement is the addition of a virtual keyboard that will allow users visiting your site on a tablet device to use fTelnet to connect to your BBS (before they could connect, but had no way to bring up the virtual keyboard). Make sure you check the ClientVars.js file to read about that setting if you're upgrading and don't want to overwrite that file.

I also rewrote a lot of stuff to support the web and mobile (and soon stand-alone desktop) versions, and so in the process of doing that it's entirely possible that I broke something, so please let me know if you run into any problems.

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